Index | Parent | Picture class |
The Picture class is used to display datatype pictures.
Of course, you may give a Picture object a frame, a background and an inputmode, to make it act like a button.
Note that disabling a Picture object is not supported in this release, so if you need to disable a Picture object, just incapsulate it in a group.
Picture.rxmec was written with the intention to completly solve all the pictures showing related problems.
I might say that if your picture is not shown fine with Picture.rxmec, you should change your datatype :-)
Name | Type | Class | Note |
BitmapCompression | N | G | The compression scheme of the picture |
BitmapDepth | N | G | The number of the bitplanes of the picture |
BitmapHeight | N | G | The real height of the picture |
BitmapMasking | N | G | The masking type of the picture, one of:
BitmapTransparent | N | G | The transparent color, if BitMasking is 2 |
BitampWidth | N | G | The real width of the picture |
BitmapXAspect | N | G | |
BitmapYAspect | N | G | |
Center | B | ISGN | Set HCenter and VCenter |
FreeHoriz | B | I | The picture is horizontal unlimited (free) |
FreeVert | B | I | The picture is vertical unlimited (free) |
HCenter | B | ISGN | If the object is FreeHoriz, or it has a FixWidth set, it is horiz centered in the space it belongs to |
Pic | N | I | Many datatypes give the chance to select the picture number to show, in the case of a multi image. It is the integral id of the image (0,...) |
Precision | S | I | One of:
Scale | N | ISGN | Sperimental scale factor. It is a postive value, percent factor for scaling. It works with all datatypes but ilbm (scaled ilbm are shown with wrong colors lol). |
ScaledWidth | N | G | Width of the scaled image |
ScaledHeight | N | G | Height of the scaled image |
Source | S | I ND | The source of data. See SourceType. Note that this attribute have to be always supplied. |
SourceType | S | I | One of:
Transparent | B | ISGN | If the picture has an alpha mask or a transparent color, it makes that transparent |
VCenter | B | ISGN | If the object is FreeVert, or it has a FixHeight set, it is vert centered in the space it belongs to |
Note that:
Name | Parameters | Note |
CopyToClip | Copy the picture (the whole picture not the scaled one) to the clipboard unit 0 |